Berberine Can Improve Diabetes

Berberine is one compound that can have a major effect on your metabolism. Berberine activates the metabolism regulator in your body known as adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Increased AMPK activity can improve your insulin sensitivity while reducing glucose production in your liver. For this reason, Berberine may benefit people who suffer from diabetes. Berberine can help improve gut health and heart health too.*

The standard dose of Berberine is 900-2,000mg daily, divided in 3-4 doses. Always consult a doctor when attempting to use a compound to control your blood sugar. Together you can figure out the best dosage for you.

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Dr. Kim

Photo | Leonora Enking | Argemone mexicana in the Spiny Desert | Used under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license


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