Best Running Shoe for Orthotics

When you purchase your orthotics, make sure you don’t assume it will just fit into any running shoe!  When purchasing running shoes, look for neutral or cushioned shoes and not ones with motion control since the orthotics already does that, it could lead to over-correction.  Take your orthotics with you and make sure it’s a snug fit and that it lies flat in the shoe.  Look at brands such as Asics Cumulus or Nimbus, Saucony Triumph or ProGrid Ride, and New Balance 1080 or 850 series that accommodate for orthotics. [1]

Go to shoe stores such as Road Runner Sports or Foot Locker, rather than online, to get the best advice on shoes to try with your orthotics.

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Dr. Kim

Photo | Race Chip on Running Shoe | by Dru Bloomfield | Used under a Creative Commons Attribution License

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