Each morning, you need to break your nightly fast with a long, robust, sit-down breakfast. Numerous studies show that thin, healthy people eat breakfast every morning.* You set the tone for the rest of your day with what you eat for breakfast. For the best health and the best metabolism, you need a protein-rich breakfast complete with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
The first step is to commit to eat something for breakfast. But for the very best health, include vegetable juice, fresh seasonal fruits, organic cage-free eggs, salads (yes, for breakfast!), protein shakes or vegetable soup in your morning meal.
Express your love today!
Dr. Kim
*Flemin, Jill. “How to Eat Like a Thin Person.” LaCrosse Tribue. 29 Dec. 2009. http://www.lacrossetribune.com/article_87cca5f8-f48d-11de-a778-001cc4c03286.html
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