Flavorful Parsley

Parsley, the popular garnish that normally doesn’t get a second look, is now grabbing attention for its health properties. Parsley contains great antioxidant components including luteolin, which helps fight against free radicals in the body. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory and it helps build the body’s immune system. Parsley also contains myristicin, an essential oil that helps fight against oxidized molecules and the formation of tumors and cancer. Add some vital vitamin C, A and K and you get a very health potent little garnish. [1]

Add some parsley to your salads, meats and stews! Besides adding a great flavor it will help increase your body’s defenses against free radicals!

Express your love today!

Dr. Kim

Photo | Fresh Parsley | by cookbookman17 on Flickr | Used under a Creative Commons Attribution License


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