More Vitamin C to Combat Stress

In addition to helping you prevent heart and eye disease and skin wrinkling, Vitamin C is a great
supporter of your immune system. When you are stressed, your body uses up more Vitamin
C than usual. That is why experts recommend that when stressed, you increase you intake
of Vitamin C. Daily doses for men and women are 90 and 75 milligrams respectively, when
increasing your intake be sure to spread your dosage throughout the day.[1]

For a natural dose of Vitamin C, pick up the following fruits from your local grocery store:
watermelon, kiwis, grapefruit, strawberries, apricots, tangerines, mango, cantaloupe, honeydew
melon, oranges, pineapple, and plums.

Express your love today!

Dr. Kim

Photo | Packed with Vitamin C Project 365(3) Day 350 | ©Keith Williamson on Flickr | Used under a Creative Commons Attribution License


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